Monday, August 20, 2012

Meet a few participants...

I will be adding these as I get them, for now here are a few of our competitors!

  • My name is Karlee. I am 36 and have 2 beautiful daughters and the most handsome little boy.  I have been trying to lose the last 10 lbs of "baby weight" since Clint was born...well here we are 3 1/2 years later and I still have that baby weight + some!  So I thought since everything else I've tried in the last 3 years hasn't been successful it was time for a change!! :)  This challenge came at a perfect time.
     My starting weight is 157.6
  • My name is Dustin, I am a 33 year old stay at home mom.  I have two boys Braden (4) and Ethan (1).  My husband Greg, is my greatest supporter and best friend.  He is almost as excited about me doing this challenge as I am!  I am just now starting to enjoy going to the gym and have signed up for multiple fun runs this fall!! I look forward to working my butt off literally!!  My starting weight is 199.
  • My name is Misty, I am 33 years old. I've been married to my awesome husband for almost 9 years. We only have one child, a 2 year old boy named Izzac. He's the craziest yet most wonderful 2 year old every! I have a degree in graphic design and work for an LDS jewelry company called Ringmasters. I am the main product designer and design all of the printed material for Ringmasters. I also run a small side business doing graphic design (check it out if you'd like I hope to be a stay at home mom and do my side business. I have struggled with my weight my entire life, and got really bad after having my son (postpartum depression). I have been working on losing weight since last Dec. and am almost down 70lbs. My goal is to loose 40-50 more pounds and then try for a second baby. I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy and would really like to avoid that this time around!!! My starting weight is  234lbs.
  • My name is Teri. I’m 34 years old and married to a very supportive husband. Through our 8.5 years of marriage, we’ve had 4 beautiful daughters, the last of which was born this last March. I make a real effort to feed my family healthy meals & keep them active & it’s time I try harder to follow that advice. I want to look & feel younger than I do now & have for a long time. I’m so excited to jump into this new routine with this 60 day challenge. As much as I want the money, I’m definitely looking at this contest as a win win. My starting weight is 144 lbs. 
  • Hi, my name is Rebecca McKinstry. My starting weight is 176 lbs. I'm
    5' 6" and currently wearing a size 14. I'm a stay at home mom with a
    small part time career on the side. I have two boys, Dale 4 and Aden
    1. My husband just started working for a Trucking company and I'll be
    alone with the kids for long periods of time. We do plan on having
    more children. So, my main goal is to get back to my pre-baby weight
    before getting pregnant again. I was ten pounds shy of my goal before
    becoming pregnant with Aden and this time I think I'm gonna make my
    goal before he turns 2. This challenge is just what I need to motivate
    me to break through the plateau I'm currently stuck at. The money
    would be nice. However, I really need the support and encouragement
  • My name is Holly, I am 34, happily married with three kids. I enjoy working out and running, but I also love food. That is the problem. I need to eat better so that my kids will too. Staring weight 150 pounds.
  • My name is Chelsea Coon and I am 24 years old. I am a wife of 5 years to an amazing husband and I have 2 perfect little kids, one boy who is 3 named Preston and my baby girl Lylah who is turning 1 next month. I have been struggling with my weight since having my kids and I was so excited about this challenge because I think it will be the motivation I have needed! I will be skinny again!!! ;)
    My starting weight is : 163 lbs 

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